Meet Gwendolyn Morgan
I’m an artist who loves color and you will see that in my fused glass artworks, I incorporated color with the wall art, masks, sun catchers, ornaments, bowls, plates, and small dishes that I design and fuse in my home studio kiln.
My artistic voice is my life experience, how I identify, and the values I embrace as a Black lesbian of African heritage. My artistic voice are the colors (based on the African Kente cloth colors that hang in my studio for inspiration) that I choose to create various glass art.

Growing up in a very segregated small community outside of Detroit, color was not something I was accustomed to. As a dark Black child growing up in the early 50’s we were told to stay invisible, stay in our place and because you are fat and dark, wear only black or brown that won’t show how dark you are.
I have been a crafter/artist all my life, starting at the age of 12, crafting anything that would make me money in the working poor community that I lived in. African trade beads lead me to glass fusing as the colors are colorful and vibrant. I was done with black and brown! When buying glass for my projects, I take a sample fabric to try and match the colors as closely as possible.
I have sold many of my colorful pieces at art shows and trade fairs and have just recently conducted several small workshops for women in the Coachella Valley. I supply the materials and do a demonstration. All I asked is they donate towards the firing of the kiln. I enjoy sharing what I have learned. I learn from teaching others what I do and so we learn together.
I wish to extend a special thank you to The L-Fund for making the creation of my website a possibility.
If you wish to contact me directly…
[email protected]